
V1.18 (2014/07/13) :

#) New positioning of torpedoes inside your submarine:
Before, there were 5 torpedoes inside the tubes and 9 reserves (backup); these 9 backup torpedoes could be used to supply all 5 tubes.
NOW there are 6 backup torpedoes (inside the submarine) to supply the 4 tubes in the front, and 1 backup torpedoes (inside the submarine) to supply the tube in the rear; these 6+1 torpedoes can supply the tubes at any moment.
There are 2 more external torpedoes outside the submarine (1 in the front and 1 in the rear) and they can be moved inside (to be used as backup torpedoes) ONLY when the submarine is at surface; use the 2 new buttons in the torpedoes window to perform this operation.
In the torpedoes launch windows, below each button there is now a line showing the supply progress (for tubes and for guns).
IMPORTANT: when an external torpedo is moving inside, your submarine can’t go below the surface, so it’s better to move this torpedoes during night (when airplanes don’t attack) and when the are no enemies around.
If you try to change your depth, the submarine will follow your order at the end of the operation.
IMPORTANT: the same when the Torpedoes Transport supplies your torpedoes, you can not change depth, speed and course until the current operation is completed !

#) New game starts at random time of day:
Now if you start a new game, it could be night, sunrise, day or sunset, at random…

#) New symbols in the TopBar:
There are new symbols [<<,<,=,>,>>] after Speed, Course, Depth, Health, Batt, O2 and Fuel, to indicate that these values are changing.
Really useful is the [<<,<,>,>>] after Batt, to indicate if the batteries are discharging fast or slowly, or recharging fast or slowly.
Remember that the symbols [b] and [P] after Depth indicate when the periscope is lowered [b] or raised [P], and that the enemy warships can detect your periscope with their radar.

#) Better behavior of units under attack :
Now single ships and convoys change their course when they are under attack, either if you are still invisible !

#) New Option “Pause game when hit by enemy” :
Normally the game stops when your submarine is hit by enemy, with this option enabled the game doesn’t stop, it is be useful when attacking airplanes.

#) New Option “Realistic sensors (sight) ranges (EXPERT)” :
When this option is enabled all units have different visual ranges if they look at small, medium or big ships, small or big airplanes, submarines at surface or periscope depth.
A table with all ranges will be added on the web site as soon as possible.
In future there will be different ranges for all instruments, not only for the sight.
Note: now in the information panel and in the map, it is always shown the MAX visual range of the selected unit; in future the table of ranges will be shown inside the game.

#) New Option “Realistic sensors accuracy (EXPERT)” :
When this option is disabled (as in the previous versions of the game) the sensors detect the exact position, range, bearing, speed, depth and heading of the other units, it makes the game more easy (but not so much realistic).
When this option is enabled the sensors are more realistic and the game is more difficult and funny, they are less accurate if the detected units are far, they don’t return a exact value but a range, and the units are shown in the map in a approximate position.
In the information panel now there are shown these values and the ranges, between “[]”.
NOTE: this option works well but sometimes can cause problems to the Torpedo Transport, when approaching your sub; if you encounter problems, please disable this option before linking to the refuel sub.

#) New Option “Realistic torpedo reload time (20 min.)” :
When this option is disabled (as in the previous versions of the game) the torpedo reload time is 10 minutes.
When this option is enabled the torpedo reload time is 20 minutes.

#) New Option “Realistic speed of turning (EXPERT)” :
When this option is enabled the speed of turning of all units is SLOW.
It makes the game more realistic and funny.
NOTE: this option works well but sometimes can cause problems to the Torpedo Transport, when approaching your sub; if you encounter problems, please disable this option before linking to the refuel sub.

#) New Options “Enable my sonar/hydrophones/radar/radio” :
In the previous versions of the game your instruments were always active.
Now, if you use the “Realistic sensors accuracy”, it could be useful to disable some instruments if you want to follow an other unit by using only one or two instruments, or for example if you don’t want to use the hydrophones (they have really a low accuracy for distance and heading).
NOTE: “radio” is for enabling or disabling the reception of the positions (of the other units) sent by your allies, usually these positions are not accurate.
NOTE: at the moment the other units DON’T DETECT your sonar or radar, so you can keep them enabled; in future the other units will detect them…
NOTE: remember that when you are a periscope depth the other units can detect your periscope with their radar !

V1.17 (2014/06/02) :

#) BUG Fix for submarine’s speed setting :
There was a bug in the submarine’s speed setting (when changing from forwad-backwards speed), it should be fixed now !
(Thanks Birdman !)

#) BUG Fix for Speed-Course-Depth buttons :
There was a bug in the Speed-Course-Depth dialogs, the “+” and “-” buttons had problems if the buttons in the upper bar were pressed again with the dialogs already opened.
(Thanks Birdman !)

#) BUG Fix for ships using cannons while sinking :
Now the enemy ships don’t use their cannon while sinking.
(Thanks Igor !)

#) 2 new buttons added, for Zoom In/Out in the map :
They are useful in devices with a pen, it is now possible to zoom the map using fingers or these two new buttons.
(Thanks Thorsten !)

V1.16 (2014/05/19) :

#) BUG FIX for zoom problems on some devices :

On some devices, zooming in/out the map caused a crash in the game, now I hope it’s fixed !
(Thanks Lucio !)

#) Some terms in the game were renamed :

Reconnaissance -> Sea patrol.
Course -> Heading.
Distance -> Range.
Other ship hit -> Target ship hit.
Other airplane hit -> Target airplane hit.
(Thanks Sergei !)

#) Gun AA:

The blind angle for the gun AA (on the back of the submarine) has been removed, now it’s possible to hit the airplanes coming from any direction.
(Thanks Sergei !)

#) Indication for good launch of torpedoes (colored circles) [only for FULL version] :

The little gray circles on the map (used for the launch of the torpedoes) now change color (yellow or green) for a better indication of the trajectory.
When the course setting for a torpedo is perfect (the torpedo will hit the ship in the middle), the overlapping circles become green, if the course setting is poor the circles become yellow, is the course is bad they stay gray.
This will help a lot in selecting a good course and in launching a torpedo at the right moment.

#) Ships with a big damage slowly sink into the ocean :

When the health of a ship is 25% or less, the ship will slowly sink into the ocean (like a real ship).
(needed for 3D in preparation)

#) The time for sunrise and sunset has changed :

Sunrise : before it was 6:00-7:00, now it is 5:00-6:00.
Sunset : before it was 19:00-20:00, now it is 18:00-19:00.
(needed for 3D in preparation)